Members and friends of Village Chapel give generously as a way of responding to the generosity of God. We give because we are part of a community that shares its talents and time, as well as its financial resources, to support all the ministries to which God calls us. And we give because our giving makes a difference for neighbors in need.
We pay a talented staff that help us be more creative and effective and faithful in our ministries. We maintain a building that we use for our ministries and we house other ministries and community groups. We support the work of the PCUSA in West Virginia and across the country.
Faithful giving also means we can gather to worship and nurture faith and share meals as a congregation. It allows us to address issues of hunger and homelessness, poverty, and powerlessness in our community. We’ve also used special gifts to purchase soccer balls for children in Tanzania, fund medical clinics in Nicaragua, and send kids to camp right here in West Virginia.
Ways to give:
Some chose to put their gift in the offering plate on Sunday; others mail it to the church. Some have set up an auto-draft with their bank; others use the electronic giving button below. Some volunteer to mow the lawn or teach Sunday school or sing in the choir; others serve on committees or bake bread for communion or send cards to people on their birthdays.
There are as many ways to give as there are types of people. We hope you find the one that fits for you!